
Reiki Hands 4

Distance Reiki Session


Distance Reiki is offer remotely.  Schedule your distance Reiki session during a time when you have a break in your day and you can lay down and receive the energy with no distraction. You will schedule your session with your Reiki practitioner just like a in person Reiki session. Additionally Distance Reiki can be offered over the phone or SkypeReiki Hands 4.



Distance Reiki is offer remotely.  Schedule your distance Reiki session during a time when you have a break in your day and you can lay down and receive the energy with no distraction. You will schedule your session with your Reiki practitioner just like a in person Reiki session. Additionally Distance Reiki can be offered over the phone or Skype.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle hands on healing practiced. Reiki has positive affects with acute and chronic problems, and addictions.
Relieving pain, supports immune system, increases vitality, and helps spiritual growth and emotional healing. Reiki reduces stress, provides relaxation, and increases overall energy level As a practitioner I have used Reiki to reduces ovarian cysts, reduce insomnia, and assist a cancer patient. Reiki healing energy is a tool for use at any moment, any time, anywhere.


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